Kayakalp Ayurveda Clinic & Wellness Center

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Suvarna Prashan

Suvarna Prashan is an Ayurvedic potion – made with Gold Bhasma, A2 Indian Sahiwal Cow Ghee prepared with Intellect & Immunity boosting herbs and natural Honey. It is administered regularly to get optimum therapeutic effects for achieving optimal physical growth, cognitive development and healthy maturation of the immune system in the age group of 0 to 18 years.

It is given on the auspicious day of Pushya Nakshtra every month. Pushya means to ‘nourish’ or ‘nurture’.

According to Kashyapa Samhita, child taking Suvarna Prashan develops:


  • Medha Vardhana (Enhanced Mental ability/ Grasping Power/ Retention & Recall Memory)
  • Agni Vardhana (Proper Digestion/ Metabolism/ Appetite)
  • Bala Vardhana (Enhanced Physical Strength/ Immunity)
  • Ayu Vardhana (Healthy Life)
  • Mangal, Punyakara (Brings in good Virtues in child/ Positive Attitude)
  • Vrushya (Appealing Personality/ Psychological, Physiological & Hormonal changes during Puberty/ Adolescence are Balanced)
  • Varnya (Glowing Skin)
  • Grahapaham (Protection from Infections, Allergies)

By preventing common childhood illnesses, it improves overall health & vitality of children of all ages and help the child in reaching his/her maximum potential of all round growth & development.

The main aim of Ayurveda is “SHRESHTHAM APATYAM“ – Shreshtham means Best/ Virtuous & Apatyam means Child i.e GIFTED & VIRTUOUS CHILD who is the requisite for Healthy & Vibrant Society.

Suvarna Prashan helps in the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing of child.


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